Vicky Foxcroft Labour MP for Lewisham North
Your Campaigns
Since I was elected in 2015 I have received an ever-increasing number of campaign emails from constituents supporting a wide variety of national campaigns.
In the beginning my small team and I tried to respond to as many of these as possible, but it quickly reached the stage where we could not guarantee that everyone would receive an individual reply. Between May 2020 and May 2021, I received well in excess of 14,000 policy-related emails.
We have therefore created this section to share my responses. You can use the links on the drop down ‘Issues’ menu to find my latest responses or browse my past responses by policy area.
We try to update this section as frequently as possible, but there will be some delay while I look into the concerns constituents have raised and wait for responses from government ministers.
I will of course continue to respond to other policy and casework enquiries by email and letter.
Thank you for your understanding.