Thank you to all those who have contacted me about your support for proportional representation in elections to the House of Commons.

I respect your strongly held views on this issue, and I recognise that, for some people, the electoral system contributes to the distrust and alienation we have seen in politics. However, I would note that there is currently no consensus for an alternative. In my view, any proposed changes to the way in which MPs are elected must be carefully thought through.

I welcome that the Government has stated that when it comes to constitutional reform it will seek the input of the public on how politics can best serve them.

I believe it is possible to rebuild trust in politics after the events of recent years, but that to do so it is necessary to ensure that politicians play by the same rules as everyone else. That is why I support a number of proposals to change the status quo. These include the creation of an independent Integrity and Ethics Commission with the power to investigate MPs and Ministers accused of breaking the rules.

I also want to see Parliament better represent communities across our country and better reflect different views and concerns. I stood on a manifesto that committed to bring about an immediate modernisation to our constitution by removing the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the House of Lords. In the longer term, I would support replacing the House of Lords with an alternative second chamber that is more representative of the regions and nations.

More widely, while political reform is important, I believe our job now is to unite our country, restoring service and respect to politics. I know that rebuilding people’s trust will take time, and I share the Prime Minister’s belief that that public service is a privilege, along with his aspiration to serve in the public interest. I also acknowledge that earning this trust will be done through actions rather than words, and I assure you that I will be working hard to do so.

Thank you once again to all those who have contacted me on this important issue.

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