With food prices increasing, heating bills going up and taxes rising I know this is a very difficult time for many families and individuals. Below are some resources or services that you may find helpful.

In the first instance, it is worth speaking with your energy supplier about your bills as they still have a lot of support they can provide such as payment restructuring plans and hardship funds. Ofgem offer further advice on their website: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/getting-help-if-you-cant-afford-your-energy-bills

In response to the energy crisis, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced further support for households in response to the spiralling costs. Details of this can be viewed online by clicking here but in summary, the current provision is as follows:

  • all households received a £150 council tax rebate from April 2022,
  • all households will receive an upfront discount of £400 on bills spread across six months,
  • funds made available to local authorities for low income families via the household support fund,
  • households claiming means tested benefits with receive £650,
  • pensioner households will receive £300 in September,
  • disibility benefit claimants will receive £150 from September.

There are some excellent local organisations who can help with unexpected expenses like replacing household items. Lewisham Donation Hub (https://lewishamdonationhub.org/) recycle items such as white goods and the following organisations can offer small grants to people on low incomes:

If you own your home/rent privately and claim welfare support, you may also be eligible for a Government grant to improve the efficiency of your property through the ECO4 Scheme: https://ukenergysupport.co.uk/eco4-scheme/ The following organisations may also be able to provide further advice on managing your bills and insulating your home:

You may be eligible for additional support via the following schemes:

Tthe following organisations can review whether you are receiving all the support to which you are entitled:

If you would like free advice about your finances and debt management, the following organisations may be of use to you:

If you need to be referred to a local foodbank for support, please contact my office and provide the following information:

  • Your year of birth,
  • The age(s) of all members of your household,
  • Any dietary requirements (allergies, etc.).
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